The BMLRT combines the responsibilities for key issues for creating and maintaining our quality of life and for shaping a future worth living for our children. LEADER is coordinated and processed in Department II/9, Education, Innovation, Local Development and Cooperation.
Many rural development issues affect several focal areas. Cross-sectoral, integrative measures are to be developed specifically for these topics. The network is installed and financed by the Ministry and operates according to a defined work programme. Responsibility for LEADER is divided between Luis Fidlschuster, Michael Fischer and Barbara Pia Hartl.
Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Carinthia, Styria, Burgenland
European LEADER Association for Rural Development
ELARD is an international association for improving the quality of life in rural areas through integral local development. ELARD was founded in 1999 and is the European umbrella organisation of LEADER regions and LEADER networks. The Austrian LEADER forum has also been a member of this association since 2016.
European Network for Rural Development
ENRD - The European network for rural development serves as a hub for exchange on how rural development policy and the corresponding programmes, projects and other initiatives can be put into practice and, if necessary, improved.
European Commission DG Agri
Directorate-General Agriculture and Rural Development is a Commission Directorate-General responsible for EU policy in the field of agriculture and rural development and deals with all aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
European Rural Parliament
The European Rural Parliament is a long-term campaign to express the voice of rural people in Europe and to promote self-help and action by the rural population in partnership with civil society and governments. The ERP took place in 2015 in Schärding, Upper Austria.
European Council Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Ministry of Agriculture Belgium
International Rural Network (IRN)
Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)
Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic
Belgium-Wallonia Rural Network
The BioRegions Project
Directorate General of Regional Policy
European Environment Agency
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Finland
Finnish Rural Network LDnet (Local Development Network)
International Organisation of Vine and Wine
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries France French Rural Network
European Parliament
Ministry of Rural Development and Food Greece Greek Rural Network
European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Hungary Hungarian Rural Network
Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Ireland Irish Rural Network
Committee of the Regions
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Italy
Italian Rural Network
Ministry of Agriculture Latvia
Latvian Rural Network
Ministry of Agriculture Lithuania
Lithuanian Rural Network
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Poland Fisheries Areas Network (FARNET)
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries Portugal
European Chestnut Network: Castanea
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Romania
SAVE Foundation: Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe
Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs Spain
ARC 2020
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs United Kingdom
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